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Automate your tests

Your code should not only run on your machine. To make sure this is the case you can use tools like tox. Personally, I prefer nox, because it uses standard python files for configuration. (And on top of that I also use nox-poetry to ensure versions from my poetry.lock file are respected)

Test your code

If you use a tool like recite you probably do not need somebody to tell you, that you should write tests for your code. I like to use pytest.

Style-guide and other quality checks

You should ensure your Python code adheres to the style guide according to PEP 8. To check this you should use flake8. There are a ton of plugins, to enhance this. I like to use the following:

name description
flake8-eradicate Find commented out or dead code
flake8-isort Check if code is sorted according to isort
flake8-debugger Check for debugger statements
flake8-comprehensions Write better list/set/dict comprehensions
flake8-print Check for print statements (you should use logging in most cases)
flake8-black Check if code is formatted according to black's style
flake8-bugbear Find likely bugs and design problems
darglint Check that docstring matches the definition
pydocstyle Check for compliance with python docstring convention

Since flake8 cannot be configured via pyproject.toml I use pyproject-flake8 to have all configuration in one place.

Furthermore I use pyroma to make sure my project complies with the best practices of the python packaging ecosystem.

Static type-checking via mypy can in many cases find bugs early.